Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cut the Strings with the Control Freak in your life

At some point in your life, you have had an experience with a control freak. They show up in our lives in all shapes and forms. These people insist having it their way and in all interactions with you. They set the agenda and decide how and when something will be done. You know exactly who these people are in your life - they are family members, friends, a romantic partner, a spouse, a coworker or a boss – they are driven by the compulsive need to be in charge and control the pace of events and the relationship. And it is your job to automatically play the assigned role that they have decided on your behalf, otherwise by not living up to this role, clearly in the mind of the control freak you are a threat that did not accede to their needs and demands; which creates unhappiness and unwanted pressure for the control freak.

I am in support and promote being in control of your own life. Yet if you have the controlling need to have control of the people around you and you cannot rest until you have your way – you are a Control Freak and have a personality disorder.

The factual truth of the matter is the Control Freak is so terrified deep down inside of being vulnerable, because then it would be very uncomfortable and they would fumble around similarly to fish out of water.

The Control Freak is compulsive – a person who seeks perfection, orderliness, workaholic, inability to make commitments, trust other people and their GREATEST FEAR is being EXPOSED.

Control freaks have an urge (addiction) to control everything, causing others stress so they can maintain a sense of order. These people are riddled with anxiety, fear, insecurity, and anger. They’re very critical of themselves their lover, their friends, peers and everyone around them; yet I want you to know underneath their pretty painted picture that their life is spectacular is a mountain of unhappiness and a depth of unbending rules. Their compulsion is an avoidance strategy designed to deny their emotional pain or allow themselves to avoid being responsible for the messes they create with the people they desire to control.

So what makes control freaks tick? What are tips to deal with them and heal from them?

Let’s keep it simple, shall we? Let’s talk about the Psychological Dynamics of the Control Freak.

Image for a moment we are behind the scenes taking an inside look at the Control Freak in your life. The inner workings of this person are fear and anxiety, yet this person is so out of touch with their emotions to be aware and is afraid to do so. Their work worries are others not acknowledging them for their accomplishments or how brilliant they are and they worry about failure. In relationships, they worry about themselves getting hurt and their needs not getting met. No one could live up their expectations.

To control their fears, the Control Freak makes every attempt to control the people or the environment around them. Control Freaks have difficulty with negotiation or compromise because they view these traits as weak. Imperfection in another from their view is very wrong and cannot be tolerated. Yes, control freaks are difficult to work with, live with and to participate in activities with.

It is very normal to have harsh resentments towards these kinds of people. Working with or being involved with a control freak is stifling to your identity and to your health. You feel shut down and restricted. It is as though they pressed the mute button on your life. You end up walking on eggs shells around this person because you need to follow along with their rules that you will never get right because they never disclosed the rules or take your thoughts and feelings into consideration. It is game that you can never win because by design you will never receive a rule handbook or notification when the rules change.

Yes this is why you resent these people.

I want to help you to see the situation differently, so you can heal quicker and you will no longer take these folks so personal. You may even see these folks from a comical and compassionate place.

Ready? Here is bottom line, the control freaks behaviors tell everyone around them that they are incompetent and they just cannot trust you or anyone. This is because the Control Freak is continuously defending him/herself against their fears and anxiety. I know this is not very clear when they are making their demands, yet beneath the surface, the Control Freak is fighting off their own deep seated sense of helplessness and ineffectiveness in which creates a lot of shame, guilt, anger and fear inside of the Control Freak. By becoming proficient at trying to control other people, they push away their own fear of being out of control and helpless. Controlling is a Fear-based management tool.

The control freak has a lot at stake, if you really think about it through their eyes. Remember when you have held a conversation or attempted engage them in some way, if you paid attention to their physiology, you would have noticed a shift in their physical appearance. This is because their emotional stakes involve protecting/defending their own identity and sense of well-being. Control gives them the temporary illusion of calmness. When they believe they are dominant, you can watch the tension leaking from them. The control freak is very alarmed and fear driven. Part of their strategy is to induce that fear in you with the indirect threat of loss. Since the emotional stakes are so high for them, they need to assert themselves with you so they do not feel so helpless. To surrender control is the same as being victimized and overwhelmed. When a control freak cannot control, they go through a series of rapid phases. First they become angry and agitated, then they become panicky and apprehensive, then they become agitated and threatening, and then they lapse into depression and despair. In layman terms, they Freak Out.

Repetition Compulsion
Control freaks become addicted to repetition compulsion. They repeat the same pattern again and again to avoid their fear, insecurities and pain that they feel. People they attempt to control may change yet the pattern of what they do is always the same. The repetition compulsion takes on a life of its own, which becomes delusional. Rather than feel calmer and therefore have a diminished need to be controlling, their behavior locks them into the same pattern in a voracious way. It becomes their drug of choice. Always needing more victims to control and feed off of. Even though the Control Freak is a Master at controlling and manipulating others, the successes do not register in their internal scoreboard. The insanity truly is they have to fight off the same threat again and again with increasing rigidity and narrow-mindedness. This leads the Control-Freak to make the same life style choices all starting and ending in the same manner. Nothing really changes for the Control Freak. They do the same thing over and over.

Two Types of Control Freaks

Type 1 Control Freaks: The Type 1 control freak is strictly attempting to cope with their fear in an egocentric way. Their motive is to feel better. They are not very aware of you. Notice and see their agitation and nervousness. They usually do not make much eye contact when they are talking with you.

Type 2 Control Freaks: The Type 2 control freak is also trying to manage their fear in an egocentric way yet in addition they are very aware of you as opposed to the Type 1 control freak. The Type 2 needs to weaken you to feel better. Their mood rises as they push you down. They do not just want to triumph; they also need to believe that they have defeated you. They need you to feel helpless so they will not feel helpless. Their belief is that someone must feel helpless in any interchange and they desperately do not want it to be them. The Type 1 needs control. The Type 2 needs to control you.

Cutting the Strings with the Control Freak

1) Be calm. Control freaks tend to generate a lot of tension in those around them. Try to maintain a comfortable distance so that you can remain centered while you speak with them. Focus on your breathing. As they get more agitated and demanding, allow yourself to breathe slowly and deeply. By staying calm and focused, this often has the effect of relaxing them as well. If you get frantic you have joined the battle on their terms.

2) Speak very slowly. The normal tendency is to gear up and speak rapidly when dealing with a control freak. This will only draw you into the emotional turmoil and you will quickly be personalizing what is occurring.

3) Be very patient. Control freaks need to feel heard. The fact of the matter is they do not have that much to say. It is only when you engage them in a power struggle or challenge their disposition; they will have a lot to verbally unload. By listening and acknowledging them that you have heard them, and then they will resolve whatever the issue is and calmly move on.

4) Pay attention to your induced reactions. What is this person trying to emotionally induce in you? Notice how you feel when speaking with them. It will give you important clues as to how to deal with them more effectively and appropriately.

5) Initially, let them control the agenda. You control the pacing. If you stay calm and speak your truth slowly, you will be in command of the pacing of the conversation.

6) Treat them with kindness. Within most control freaks is a good measure of paranoia. They are ready to get angry and defend against what they perceive is a controlling hostile world. If you treat them with respect and kindness, their paranoia cannot take root. This will jam them up.

7) Make demands on them-- especially when dealing with the type 2 control freak. Ask them to send you something or do something for you. By asking something of them, you will be indicating that you are not intimidated or diminished by their behavior patterns. ( Yet if they do not deliver your request, do not take it personal, they are very unreliable. Unless the request allows them to control you more. )

8) Remember an old but poignant Maxim: “Those who demand the most often give the least.”

Keep in mind that control freaks are not trying to hurt you – they’re trying to protect themselves. Remind yourself that their behavior toward you isn’t personal; the compulsion was there before they met you, and it will be their forever unless they get professional help and have the willingness to change. You cannot make them get help. They are no different than a drug addict or an alcoholic. Their behavior is not a problem for them; it is a problem for you. They live in denial that a problem exists. Understand they are skilled manipulators, artful and intimidating, well-rehearsed storytellers and excellent at distorting reality.

In order to not feel degraded, humiliated and have your sense of self and self-worth assaulted, you need to reclaim your genuine worth so you do not allow yourself to be bulldozed by a controlling lover, family member, boss or friend. When you are caught up in a truly destructive/controlling attachment, the best response is to walk out and allow yourself to heal and detach. Understand that whatever you do, it will have a limited effect. These people are angry and afraid to let go of you. So it is your job to let go of them, protect yourself in the process… and allow you to grow and be who you truly are.




  1. You hit the nail on the head with a control freak in my life! They also tend to abuse drugs, alcohol and sex. The Type II in my life has a house that is in shambles and he
    has gone through all his money, lies about his age- by 20 years! Its quite comical. Hes most happy when telling a story, in the most authoritative tone- which has no basis in truth or fact. Hes most happy when putting others down, and hes extremely manipulative when he doesn't get what he wants!

  2. I'm receiving way more information than I bargained for. Yes, word for word, line for line . . . it all rings true. I want out. For the first time in 8 years, I'm recognizing the situation for what it is. Why am I questioning it now and not 6 years ago or 3 years ago? Are my feelings of self worth better now than they have been in the past? If so, how did that come about if I'm truly under his control? In any event, I want out. I think I said that already, but I don't know how to break the ties and keep the peace. I've tried twice before to discuss his "control issues" and
    it did not go well. Not at all. I can't imagine initiating this talk again. In fact, I won't. He has an answer for everything. My slow paced talking and breathing easy will not matter. I seldom get a word in edge wise anyway. I think I would rather disappear. Cover my tracks and disappear into thin air.

  3. I live with a control freak and its killing me

  4. Nicki, it will never get better, only get worse. Get out of the situation. Control Freaks cannot admit they have a problem, as they always have to be right and in control. You deserve better. You will always be under the thumb of a control freak.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My mother is a control freak. I hit rock bottom now I live with her. She has guardianship of my daughter. I feel stuck. I feel scared. This is why I went crazy before and had a child at 18 years old (now 25). I didn't live with her for 7 years... best years of my life except of course rock bottom. I am scared to leave. She has guardianship of my daughter. I love my daughter. Someone help.

  7. This article helped me no end. I stumbled across it when I had fled my own home and away from controlling partner to try and come up with a strategy and enough strength to make him understand that I wanted out of the relationship.
    The tips on staying calm really helped when I did ask him to leave. Of course from angry he then resorted to wanting my pity, remorse, declaring his love and that he would change etc. It was really hard. I almost caved in.
    I then had to flee my own home again and stay with a friend, whilst texting him a repeat message to gather his essentials and leave. 3 days later he left but without his essentials, and used it as an excuse to keep coming back. I packed all is stuff and arranged with a friend that he got it, so as to avoid contact. He really had a hold on me and that is why I avoided contact.
    I did not answer his bombardment of texts and phonecalls. I changed my phone numbers and he still got hold of the new ones!
    He hung around my house, driving past, knocking etc.
    I changed the locks once all his stuff was out. I kept all the windows and shutters closed.
    I had to call the police when he came round another time and they gave him a warning. That seemed to do the trick.
    Over a year on and I can breathe and be myself again.
    It was a really hard decision, as I really loved him, but it was highly destructive, he drank a lot, we argued a lot, he was always right etc.
    I have not regrets, it was the best decision.

  8. This is a very helpful article. Thank you for writing it. Unfortunately, the control freak in my life is an in-law and, for reasons I won't go into here, cannot be removed from my life. But this information is greatly welcomed in trying to cope with her.

    The control freak in my life is also a rabid interrupter. She never ever ever listens, although she occasionally does manage to force herself to stay quiet while waiting to speak. My best defense for an interrupter is to calmly say "I'm sorry, I see that the middle of my sentence has interrupted the beginning of your sentence. By all means, please finish what you wanted to say before I start again." Sadly, she really doesn't even "hear" that when it is said, but it dang sure makes me feel better anyway.

    1. Make sure you are not dominating the conversation. I know two control freaks in my life that do that in every conversation. Sometimes the only way I can be heard at all is to interrupt.

    2. Make sure you are not dominating the conversation. I know two control freaks in my life that do that in every conversation. Sometimes the only way I can be heard at all is to interrupt.

  9. Wish you all well I too can't leave for family commitments but am being controlled by a very sly and skilled manipulater-am physically ill too and get a little comfort from knowing am not alone

  10. This is a great Post. Word for Word as another person has acknowledged is correct. I have been trapped with a control freak for a while. I deal with them calmly and they realize that their thinking is not rational. They realize and have acknowledged that having a person around who will not be submissive to their every whim has helped. BUT i am tired and need to spread my wings. Due to financial and interpersonal reasons i have not been able to leave. I am now ready and able to leave and feel fine knowing that I have helped to improve this persons attitude.

  11. This is a great Post. Word for Word as another person has acknowledged is correct. I have been trapped with a control freak for a while. I deal with them calmly and they realize that their thinking is not rational. They realize and have acknowledged that having a person around who will not be submissive to their every whim has helped. BUT i am tired and need to spread my wings. Due to financial and interpersonal reasons i have not been able to leave. I am now ready and able to leave and feel fine knowing that I have helped to improve this persons attitude.

  12. What causes people to become this way...seems like a pandemic today..

  13. I have a controlling workaholic mother. I have been dealing with this mess for 48yrs. Get yourself in a support group, Even if its Adult Children of Alcholics. You are dealing with a lot of mental stress. Learn about different personalitiy types. Take a test. This will give you insight into yourself and what you need to thrive. Better yourself (college degree) or find a way to support yourself. Get your shit together so you can get your kid back then keep as much distance from your mother as possible. Don't believe the controlling persons lie that you are unworthy or incapable. You must always challenge these negative views of yourself. You will surprise and amaze yourself if you push through the fear that has been instilled in you! Good Luck


